Gekkaji Temple is a welcoming place for meditation and spiritual growth in Lockport, NY. It serves as the center for the Nichiren Buddhist community, bringing together local and online members to create a sense of belonging and support for everyone on their spiritual journeys.

Buddhist Service

Join us in January for our Monday evening Buddhist service, happening online from 6:30 - 7:30 pm. No experience is necessary and everyone is welcome. Just email us at for the meeting link. We are happy to have you!

Monday, January 6th
- The Eight Phases of the Buddha’s Life, #5: Subduing Demons
Monday, January 13th
- Ancestors service
Monday, January 20th
- The Eight Phases of the Buddha’s Life, #6: Attaining the Way
Monday, January 27th
- The Eight Phases of the Buddha’s Life, #7: First Turning of the Wheel of the Dharma, #8: Entering Nirvana
Wednesday, January 29th
- Refuge Ceremony at the School House Wellness Center in Lockport, NY


Join us in January for in-person meditation on Wednesday evenings at the School House Wellness Center, 241 Garden St, Lockport, NY 14094. Please wear comfortable clothes, and you're welcome to bring your cushion or use one of ours. We look forward to meditating with you!

Wednesday, January 1st
- Observing Thoughts
Wednesday, January 15th
- Mindful Walking
Wednesday, January 22nd
- Breathwork


We warmly invite you to join us for in-person, guided meditation Wednesday evenings at the School House Wellness Center in Lockport, NY. Each session provides a calming and grounding experience rooted in the insight tradition, helping participants develop present moment-to- moment awareness, clarity, and inner peace.

After meditation, we reflect with a brief Dharma talk, where we explore teachings that inspire personal reflection, invite everyone to share their thoughts, ask questions, and learn from each other. It’s a chance to better understand ourselves and those around us, strengthen our practice, and support each other on the journey toward personal growth and freedom.

6:30-7:30 PM
School House Wellness Center
241 Garden St, Lockport, NY 14094.

Check the above monthly schedule for updates and possible cancellations.

Buddhist Service

Gekkaji, the Nichiren Buddhist Sangha of Lockport, and the Nichiren Buddhist Community of RIT are all part of the Nichiren Shu school of Mahayana Buddhism, a tradition rooted in the teachings of the Lotus Sutra. Our shared devotion is centered around the chanting of Namu Myoho Renge Kyo, the sacred title of the Lotus Sutra, which opens the door to realizing the Buddha nature within ourselves and the world around us.

- Shown left,  Kuonji Temple, Mt. Minobu, Japan

Stay connected for upcoming special events at Gekkaji, the Nichiren Buddhist Community at Rochester Institute of Technology, and in the Lockport, NY area. We’re happy to have you join us!

Special Events

Nichiren Buddhist Community at RIT

The Nichiren Buddhist Community practices in the tradition of Nichiren Shu. We chant the Lotus Sutra to cultivate our Buddha nature and live in harmony with universal truth.

Join us for online services and Dharma talks. 

Click the link to see our page.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
